
Halldora Magnusdottir
lives and works in Paris, France




École Nationale Supérieure des Beaux-Arts de Paris, MFA
Paris, France  -  2018-2021

California Institute of the Arts, Semester on exchange
Valencia, California, USA - 2019

École Nationale Supérieure des Beaux-Arts de Paris, BFA
Paris, France  - 2016-2018

SPEOS, Paris Photographic Institute, Professional diploma

 Paris, France - 2008-2009



“Souvenirs de Mesa Lendit” - Le 6B, Saint-Denis - 10.11-01.12

“Felicita, Milieu des Choses”, Exhibition of the Felicités du Beaux Arts de Paris, Curated by Thomas Fougeirol - Poush Manifesto, Aubervilliers - 10.09-02.10

“Reproverse”, Solo show - Aichi Prefectural University of the Arts Satellite Gallery SA-KURA, Nagoya, Japon - 25.09-29.09

“Parade”, Curated by Clément Bouissou and Louise Lan Millot - Le PRéàVIE, Le Prè Saint Gervais - 29.04-15.05

“Lourd la visite”, Curated by Clara Le Meur and Simmon Ballagny - Cloakrooms of Centre Pompidou, Paris - 2.03


“A Vendre, Agence des Druides”, MFA Show - Beaux-Arts de Paris - 14.06

“Prix de la Colle Noire”, Exposition des projets préselectionnés du prix Dior - La Chapelle des Beaux Arts de Paris - 6.05-12.05


“Climate Emergency in 50 rounds”, Fotobokfestival Oslo 2020 - 
Curated by Ethan Rafal - Arbeidersamfunnets plass, Olso - 10-20.09


“Coup de projecteur”, part of Photo Saint Germain 2019, Organised by Guitemie Maldonado, Tamara Morisset and Eugenie Touze - Beaux-Arts de Paris - 6-21.11

Detroit City Guide Book vol. 4 «Rise from the ashes»  - with Atelier Sirjacq - Point Ephmère - 05.07-12.07

“Hoard Inaugural”, curated by Scott Benzel - Los Angeles Media Archive, Los Angeles - 06/09

Detroit City Guide Book vol. 3 “High Tech Dreams/Low Tech Reality” , with Atelier Sirjacq - Point Ephmère, Paris
- 05.07-12.07

“Espace”, Curated by Le Gros Monsieur - Chez Vincent, Paris - 28/06-30/06

Detroit City Guide Book vol. 2 “Sports Complex” , with Atelier Sirjacq - DOC, Paris - 17/05-21/05

Detroit City Guide Book vol. 1 “Introduction”, with Atelier Sirjack - Beaux-Arts de Paris, Paris - 06/03


“Serendipity Pattern of Geomyths” Booklaunch - Atelier Redfield & Dattner, Paris - 07/12

“Serendipity Pattern of Geomyths”
BFA Graduation Show - Beaux-Arts de Paris, Paris - 29/05

“Las Vegas Club”, Curated by Rayane Mcirdi - Le Cornichon, Romainville - 9-25/03


“Christmas Editions” - Gallery Port, Reykjavik - 09.12-20.01

18e Biennale internationale de la Gravure de Sarcelles, Invitation to Atelier Pagés - Sarcelles - 25/11-10/12

“La valeur de l’art”, International Seminar, Invitation to Atelier Pagés & Sirjacq - Beaux Arts de Paris, Paris
– 26-27/05

“Lookbook”, giant book and show, curated by My-lan Hoang-Thuy - Beaux-Arts de Paris - 04



“Souvenirs de Mesa Lendit”, Co-curator with Avec Alice Narcy - Le 6B, Saint-Denis - 10.11-01.12

“Téma la Vue”, Workshop avec les enfants du quartier - Le 6b, Saint Denis - 12.11 and 19.11

“Artist in Residence”,  Aichi Prefectural University of the Arts, Aichi, Japan - 30.06-01.09

“Forget the Hoax Noncence, This is Reality”, Workshop avec Etudiants de Aichi University of the Arts - Aichi Prefectural University of the Arts, Aichi, Japan - 15.07 and 22.07